Complete playlist for a healthy cheer athlete

Dr. Jordan provides tips for an injury-free athlete career

Sports Medicine Specialist tips for an injury-free athlete

Welcome!  My name is Dr. Jordan and  I am a sports medicine specialist that has a background as a competitive cheerleader and a competitive cheer coach. Having the perspective on the sport from those three different aspects, as an athlete, as a coach, and as a movement specialist or a sports rehab physician, I can see the sport in a different way than many people can. And so. I can see the perspective of the coach. I can see the perspective of the athlete and I can see what was best for both in that combination. And so this playlist that we have come together or come up with for you all is going to help you have an injury-free athlete career.

Dr. Jordan on healthy cheer athlete tips

When you’re in some type of immediate pain, you can just jump into one of these to help relieve that pain and help you get moving a little bit better. And it’s also something you want to treat like brushing your teeth or flossing. It’s something you do every single day in order to help you feel better and helping move better in order to keep yourself on the mat and keep yourself in the sport for the longest amount of time. We just constantly see athletes going through issues where they’re just focused on getting to this one competition and their bodies just keep degrading and degrading and they don’t take care of themselves to where they don’t think of it as like a big picture.

You want to think about multiple worlds or multiple summits, not just this upcoming end-of-the-season competition. So keeping up with your health and keeping up with this movement is going to be best for you in the longevity of your sport.

Keeping your Cheerleader Injury Free

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Dr. Jordan is a Movement Specialist here at The Sports Pod and he has a background as a competitive cheerleader and a competitive cheer coach. So having the perspective into the sport from those three different aspects, as an athlete, as a coach and as a movement specialist or a sports rehab physician, I can see the sport in a different way than many people can. I can see the perspective of the coach. I can see the perspective of the athlete and I can see what was best for both in that combination. And so this playlist that we have come together or come up with for you all is going to help you. When you’re in some type of immediate pain, you can just jump into one of these to help relieve that pain and help you get moving a little bit better. And it’s also something you want to treat like brushing your teeth or flossing. It’s something you do every single day in order to help you feel better and helping move better in order to keep yourself on the mat and keep yourself in the sport for the longest amount of time. We just constantly see athletes going through issues where they’re just focused on getting to this one competition and their bodies just keep degrading and degrading and they don’t take care of themselves to where they don’t think of it as like a big picture. You want to think about multiple worlds or multiple summits, not just this upcoming end of the season competition. So keeping up with your health and keeping up with this movement is going to be best for you in the longevity of your sport.



The Sports Pod – sports rehab for athletes is relentless in the refinement of the collective knowledge of heath, fitness and medicine, forging intelligent, ageless and healthy athletes.

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Since 2009, we have worked side by side with our clients to offer individualized therapy, rehabilitation, and strength and conditioning methods to ensure you move free. We regularly collaborate with leading sports scientists, researchers, and healthcare professionals, and we are committed to challenging the status quo when it comes to optimizing your athletic performance.

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